Saturday, August 27, 2016

Easiness of the way

BUGS life clip. Keep calm.

Marriage Quote

If I had fears of this topic...

“I remember contemplating the idea of actually choosing one person forever and sticking with them, and how that's not supposed to feel like a death sentence or a ball and chain and it was beyond me how people could ever do that. And then Heavenly Father put this idea into my mind. He kind of asked me "Do you ever tire of the sun? Do you ever get sick of feeling the warm rays on your face or get your fill of sunny days? Or max out on sunsets?" And of course, I thought "no way!" So I just rested my mind knowing that one day I would just find someone I could love like the sun. Of course you need a break sometimes but it would be a love that would invite you back over and over and for some reason you couldn't say no.” Quote by my talented friend @marnilv