Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Music Night!

Music Night! Flyer.  

Education Technology Grades (3-5) Standard 7
Use telecommunications and on-line resources (e.g., email, online discussions, web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (4, 5)

Music 4th Grade. Standard 1: Discovering how singing, dance, and experimenting with different instruments relate to a variety of cultures in Utah.
  • A night of music at the school and I'm making a flyer. The students will discover new songs, folk dance, and how they relate to history of Utah. This music night will showcase all of these ideas and allow children to experience making music of their own in a fun creative way. We would basically be covering most of objective 3. 
  • To teach children to understand the importance of music and how it can influence you to do so much more. Also showing how Utah has it’s own culture of music.
  • It needs to be done so that children can more fully appreciate music and dance in it’s variety of styles. It also allows children to see music as the way they did years ago.

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